The North Carolina Department of Commerce staffs and receives policy direction from three statutorily required, independently appointed boards and commissions:
Other Groups Reporting Directly to their Respective Boards or Executives
Although the following organizations receive administrative oversight from the Department of Commerce, through the Secretary's General Counsel & Chief of Staff, their work is managed directly by their own boards or commissions, or in some cases state policy executives, including the Governor
Banking Commission
The Banking Commission oversees the chartering and regulating of North Carolina's state banks and trust companies, as well as registration and licensing of various financial institutions operating in the state, including
- Check cashers
- Consumer finance companies
- Mortgage bankers
- Mortgage brokers
- Money transmitters
- Refund anticipation lenders
Rural Electrification Authority
The Rural Electrification Authority ensures that customers in the predominantly rural areas of the state have access to adequate, dependable, affordable electric and telephone service.
Credit Union Division
The Credit Union Division regulates and monitors the operations of all state-chartered credit unions. For more information, call (984) 275-6730 or e-mail
Travel and Tourism Board
The North Carolina Tourism Board advocates the sound development of the travel and tourism industry in North Carolina. Created in 1991, the board advises the Secretary of Commerce on policy matters related to tourism promotion in North Carolina.
Public Staff of the Utilities Commission
The Public Staff reviews, investigates, and makes recommendations to the North Carolina Utilities Commission on the reasonableness of rates and adequacy of service provided by all public utilities in the state. The Public Staff also ensures policy consistency when verifying an energy supply is adequate to protect public health and safety.
Utilities Commission
The Utilities Commission regulates the rates and services offered by more than 1,200 utility companies in North Carolina including:
- Electric companies
- Local and long-distance telephone companies
- Natural gas companies
- Household goods motor freight carriers
- Motor passenger carriers
- Companies providing private pay phone service
- Water and sewer companies consisting of approximately 1,500 systems
- Ferry operator
Marine Industrial Park Authority
The N.C. Marine Industrial Park Authority is charged with creating jobs and economic growth in the maritime community. Appointed to approve businesses located in the Park, members spend their personal time to help these businesses grow.
NC Towers | Taskforce for Offshore Wind
NCTowers, the North Carolina Taskforce for Offshore Wind Economic Resource Strategies, provides expert advice on ways to advance offshore wind energy projects in North Carolina, with a special focus on economic development and job creation. The Taskforce reports to the Governor and General Assembly.