Jobs & Training

You’ve got the drive. We’ve got the resources. Let’s get to work

Our mission is to help bring businesses and local talent together, so both can thrive. That’s why we assist job seekers in finding employment and companies in attaining the qualified workers they need.

What can we help you with today?

I’m looking for a job

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Learn about resources for jobseekers

I need qualified talent for my company

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Get training resources for my business

I’m a workforce professional

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People interviewing a job candidate


Our state workforce system, NCWorks, helps North Carolinians better prepare for employment through the extensive career services it provides, free of charge. NCWorks also helps businesses find workers.

Woman working in a factory

Find open positions on our statewide job search portal and information about other career services.

NCWorks Online 

Learn about the variety of services our 70+ career centers offer across the state — and find one near you.

NCWorks Career Centers

Read about the group that recommends policies and strategies that help N.C.’s workforce and businesses compete globally.

NCWorks Commission


If you're here to explore a career at the North Carolina Department of Commerce, visit our About Us section.