Grants & Incentives

North Carolina’s targeted, performance-based incentive programs help companies and communities grow and thrive in our state.

Competitive Incentives

In situations where North Carolina is competing with other attractive business locations, our competitive incentive programs can come into play.

Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG)

The Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) is a performance-based, discretionary incentive program that provides cash grants directly to new and expanding companies to help offset the cost of locating or expanding a facility in the state.

Details about the Job Development Investment Grant

One North Carolina Fund

The One North Carolina Fund (OneNC) is a discretionary cash-grant program that allows the Governor to respond quickly to competitive job-creation projects. The North Carolina Department of Commerce administers OneNC on behalf of the Governor. Awards are based on the number of jobs created, level of investment, location of the project, economic impact of the project and the importance of the project to the state and region.

Details about the One North Carolina Fund

Public Infrastructure Funds

We offer funds to help North Carolina communities build the necessary infrastructure to attract more businesses to their area. 

Infrastructure - State/Rural Grants

Infrastructure - Federal/CDBG – Economic Development

Utility Account

GoldenLEAF Foundation

Rail Industrial Access Program

Worker in factorty working on school bus