The Labor and Economic Analysis Division of N.C. Commerce provides state and regional labor market data and analysis so that communities, businesses, site selectors and investors can make informed decisions in their field. This data helps communities and the state plan how to invest for future growth and allows companies to better understand their labor market.
Available Tools and Data Products
The Demand Driven Data Delivery System (D4) provides access to statewide and regional labor market data, including unemployment rates, jobs numbers, industry data, and occupational data.
Labor Market Publications includes a selection of reports covering a variety of labor market data and analysis.
Every year, the Department of Commerce studies national, statewide, and local economic trends to produce long-term and short-term Employment Projections for state and sub-state areas. Based on historical data, these projections provide a guide for how the state's economic landscape may evolve given the recent economic trends. The current projections cover the 2021-2030 period for approximately 130 industries.
The Education & Workforce Program Outcomes page houses information about the Common Follow-up System (CFS), which provides information on the educational and employment outcomes of participants in publicly supported educational, employment and training programs for use in planning, policymaking, program evaluation, resource allocation and career planning. This page includes CFS reports and information delivery tools that highlight system operations, evaluative efforts, and related activities.
Summaries of the state's WARN Reports are available here.
Our Maps page provides a variety of frequently requested maps for download.