Author: Jamie Vaughn
A recently published article reviewed employment growth in North Carolina between 1990 and 2020 using data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) accessible via This analysis showed that statewide annual average employment increased 40% over the 30-year period. Also, several industry sectors showed significant growth while others decreased.
NC Employment Growth by Industry Sector, 1990 to 2020
The industry sector (2-digit NACIS) with the largest percentage increase in employment over the 1990-2020 period is Professional, Scientific and Technical Services. In this sector, employment grew 212% during this 30-year period adding more than 184,000 jobs. Digging a little deeper into this industry sector using four- and six-digit NAICS level data can pinpoint where the growth occurred.
Nine industry groups comprise the 4-digit NAICS level. All industry groups included in the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services sector increased employment from 1990 to 2020, but most of the job growth came from the top four: Computer Systems Design & Related Services; Management, Scientific & Technical Consulting Services; Architectural, Engineering, & Related Services; and Scientific Research & Development Services. These accounted for nearly three out of every four jobs gained in the sector, totaling over 138,000 jobs – see table below for details.
Employment Growth in Professional, Scientific & Technical Services by 4-digit NAICS Industry (NC)
NAICS Code | Industry Group (4-Digit NAICS) | 2020 Avg. Annual Employment Estimate | 1990 – 2020 Avg. Annual Employment Growth | 1990 – 2020 Avg. Annual Employment % Growth |
5415 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services | 59,787 | 47,727 | 395.7% |
5416 | Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services | 50,829 | 44,730 | 733.4% |
5413 | Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services | 41,490 | 23,296 | 128.0% |
5417 | Scientific Research and Development Services | 28,958 | 22,461 | 345.7% |
5419 | Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 22,934 | 14,925 | 186.4% |
5412 | Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll Svcs. | 25,966 | 13,814 | 113.7% |
5411 | Legal Services | 25,500 | 11,429 | 81.2% |
5418 | Advertising and Related Services | 10,928 | 4,743 | 76.7% |
5414 | Specialized Design Services | 3,378 | 1,865 | 123.3% |
Employment data at the 6-digit NAICS industry level is the most detailed information available and may help reveal additional insights that were not recognized at the 2- and 4-digit levels. Due to suppression to protect the confidentiality of company-specific information, some data at the 6-digit level may be unavailable for analysis.
At the 6-digit level, the top three industries by employment growth are part of the four largest industry groups as showed above. The fourth and fifth largest industries were Veterinary Services and Offices of Lawyers; combined, these five growth industries were responsible for adding 87,500 jobs over the 1990-2020 period.
Note that, due a change in the NAICS classification, we do not have enough information to determine employment growth in three significant industries, Research and Development in Biotechnology; Research and Development in Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences; and Computer Systems Design Services. Each of these industries had employment size greater than 12,000 in 2020 and are large components of 4-digit industry groups that experienced over 300% growth over the past 30 years.
Employment Growth in Professional, Scientific & Technical Services by 6-digit NAICS Industry (NC)
NAICS Code |
Industry (6-digit NAICS) |
2020 Avg. Annual Employment Estimate |
1990 – 2020 Avg. Annual Employment Growth |
1990 – 2020 Avg. Annual Employment % Growth |
541511 |
Custom Computer Programming Services |
26,837 |
24,121 |
888.1% |
541611 |
Admin. Mgmt. & General Mgmt. Consulting Services |
24,819 |
23,226 |
1458.0% |
541330 |
Engineering Services |
27,984 |
17,984 |
179.8% |
541940 |
Veterinary Services |
15,356 |
11,661 |
315.6% |
541110 |
Offices of Lawyers |
24,429 |
10,573 |
76.3% |
541613 |
Marketing Consulting Services |
10,549 |
9,062 |
609.4% |
541211 |
Offices of Certified Public Accountants |
13,710 |
5,947 |
76.6% |
541614 |
Process, Physical Distribution, & Logistics Consulting Services |
4,954 |
4,506 |
1005.8% |
541214 |
Payroll Services |
4,499 |
3,716 |
474.6% |
541990 |
All Other Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services |
3,936 |
3,064 |
351.4% |
541890 |
Other Services Related to Advertising |
3,580 |
2,969 |
485.9% |
541690 |
Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services |
3,238 |
2,921 |
921.5% |
541620 |
Environmental Consulting Services |
3,073 |
2,726 |
785.6% |
541219 |
Other Accounting Services |
4,945 |
2,639 |
114.4% |
541380 |
Testing Laboratories |
4,345 |
2,229 |
105.3% |
541519 |
Other Computer Related Services |
2,353 |
1,741 |
284.5% |
541310 |
Architectural Services |
4,293 |
1,629 |
61.1% |
541213 |
Tax Preparation Services |
2,812 |
1,511 |
116.1% |
541618 |
Other Management Consulting Services |
2,050 |
1,339 |
188.3% |
541930 |
Translation and Interpretation Services |
1,164 |
1,128 |
3133.3% |
541612 |
H.R. & Executive Search Consulting Services |
2,146 |
949 |
79.3% |
541810 |
Advertising Agencies |
3,009 |
902 |
42.8% |
541430 |
Graphic Design Services |
1,590 |
787 |
98.0% |
541850 |
Outdoor Advertising |
1,271 |
753 |
145.4% |
541720 |
R&D in the Social Sciences and Humanities |
1,297 |
752 |
138.0% |
541370 |
Surveying & Mapping (except Geophysical) Services |
2,651 |
667 |
33.6% |
541840 |
Media Representatives |
988 |
653 |
194.9% |
541350 |
Building Inspection Services |
688 |
650 |
1710.5% |
541410 |
Interior Design Services |
1,177 |
642 |
120.0% |
541870 |
Advertising Material Distribution Services |
516 |
471 |
1046.7% |
541820 |
Public Relations Agencies |
833 |
407 |
95.5% |
541420 |
Industrial Design Services |
426 |
383 |
890.7% |
541320 |
Landscape Architectural Services |
1,139 |
381 |
50.3% |
541830 |
Media Buying Agencies |
254 |
230 |
958.3% |
541490 |
Other Specialized Design Services |
185 |
53 |
40.2% |
541910 |
Marketing Research & Public Opinion Polling |
1,124 |
48 |
4.5% |
541360 |
Geophysical Surveying & Mapping Services |
234 |
-115 |
-33.0% |
541340 |
Drafting Services |
156 |
-130 |
-45.5% |
541922 |
Commercial Photography |
489 |
-154 |
-24.0% |
541920 |
Photography Studios, Portrait |
866 |
-822 |
-48.7% |
541860 |
Direct Mail Advertising |
476 |
-1,642 |
-77.5% |
541713 |
R&D in Nanotechnology # |
316 |
N/A |
N/A |
541191 |
Title Abstract & Settlement Offices |
424 |
N/A |
N/A |
541199 |
All Other Legal Services |
647 |
N/A |
N/A |
541513 |
Computer Facilities Management Services |
1,185 |
N/A |
N/A |
541714 |
12,751 |
N/A |
N/A |
541715 |
R&D in Physical, Engineering, & Life Sciences # |
14,595 |
N/A |
N/A |
541512 |
Computer Systems Design Services |
29,413 |
N/A |
N/A |
* Indicates data is unavailable due to suppression; # indicates NAICS code was not available in 1990; N/A indicates value was not able to be calculated due to suppression.
Additional observations of the 6-digit industry level data in the Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Sector:
- The Translation and Interpretation Services industry showed the highest growth rate, an increase of more than 3000%. Employment in 2020 was 1,164.
- The second highest growth rate, more than 1700%, was in Building Inspection Services. Average annual employment in 2020 was 688.
- Not all industries added employment. Direct Mail Advertising; Photography Studios, Portrait; Drafting Services; Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services; and Commercial Photography lost more than 2,800 jobs combined.
This is the first of several articles and social media posts to analyze recently updated QCEW data to help understand how the state’s economy has changed from 1990 to 2020. Look for more in the coming months.