LMI Tuesdays

LMI Tuesdays is a 30-minute discussion of Labor Market Information (LMI) and how to use it in your work hosted the first or third Tuesday of each month. Each session is led by analysts from NC Commerce's Labor and Economic Analysis Division (LEAD) online via MS TEAMS starting at 11:30am. Attendee questions on the session or any LMI-related topics are encouraged.  No registration is required. 

It's about helping people understand labor market information and how it can be used in their work. With each session, we hope to remove the mystery around data, how it can be used and where to access it. Whether you join to listen to the presentation, or want to ask a question you are welcome.

The next LMI Tuesdays session will be held on Tuesday, April 1. This session will discuss the information that is available through commuting patterns data and will demonstrate the new tool to access this information.

The first Tuesday of each month's session is available here.
The third Tuesday of each month's session is available here.

To download a PDF flyer for LMI Tuesdays to post in your office or share with your colleagues click here.

To add LMI Tuesdays to your calendar, download either of these ICS files: One file for the first Tuesday and a second file for the third Tuesday of each month.


Jamie Vaughn, Sr. Analyst for Market Intelligence 

Title Description Document File (Click to Open) First Published
LMI Tuesdays | March 21, 2023 How did the Economy really fare in 2022? This month's Economy Watch looks at the data revisions that occurred for the 2022 calendar year. LMI_Tuesday_032123.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | March 7, 2023 How can I quickly find occupational wages? LMI_Tuesday_030723.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | February 21, 2023 Where can I access the latest industry and employment trends and what is the data telling us? LMI_Tuesday_022123.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | February 7, 2023 Where can you go to access NC specific information about careers? LMI_Tuesday_020723_2.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | January 17, 2023 How did we get to such a tight labor market? Is this tightness here to stay? LMI_Tuesday_011723.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | January 3, 2023 Want to go back to basics? What is LMI? Why is it important? How do I use it? LMI_Tuesday_010323.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | November 15, & December 6, 2022 How can I quickly access the data I need? LEAD visualizations are here to help. LMI_Tuesday_111522.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | November 1, 2022 What is D4? LMI_Tuesday_110122.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | October 4, 2022 Do you remember what data is accessible through D4? This session reviews the LMI Tool, the data available on it, and how to use it. LMI_Tuesday_100422.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | September 20, 2022 Where can you go to discover Education Outcomes? NC TOWER has the information you are looking for. LMI_Tuesday_092022.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | September 6, 2022 How can we get educational employment statistics? What is the impact of increased job openings on community colleges? LMI_Tuesday_090622.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | August 16, 2022 How can jobseekers and students align education with occupations? Where can this data be found? LMI_Tuesday_081622.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | August 2, 2022 What is the J2J Explorer and what insights can I discover? LMI_Tuesday_080222.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | July 19, 2022 What do the 2020-2030 employment projections tell us? LMI_Tuesday_071922.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | July 5, 2022 How would we find information about summer industries, occupations, and seasonal economic differences? LMI_Tuesday_070522.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | June 21, 2022 Where can I go to access industry employment, industry establishment and industry wage data? LMI_Tuesday_060922.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | June 7, 2022 Where can I access the latest State, MSA and County Data all in one place? LMI_Tuesday_060822.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | May 17, 2022 The who, what, where, when, why, and how of the Occupational Employment & Wage Statistics program. LMI_Tuesday_051722.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | May 3, 2022 Where can I go to find the data I need? LMI_Tuesday_532022.pdf
LMI Tuesdays | April 19, 2022 What are the needs that North Carolina employers have for recruitment and retention? How does this compare to previous years? LMI_Tuesday_041922.pdf