Monday, June 7, 2010

All North Carolina Energy Star Appliance Rebate Funds Reserved Consumers Stimulate Economy, Gain Bargains and Save Energy

Jun 7, 2010

All the funds in North Carolina’s Energy Star Appliance Replacement and Rebate Program were reserved within four days, with consumers purchasing about 8,545 appliances during the  second phase of the program and signing up for $1.3 million in mail-in rebates.  Consumers can still register on a first-come, first-served waiting list for rebates after making purchases of eligible appliances. 

North Carolina received $8.8 million through the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to participate in the Energy Star program.  During the program’s first phase, which ran from April 22 to April 25, about $7 million or 87 percent of the money was spent on the purchase of more than 54,400 appliances, leaving approximately $1.3 million for the second phase. 

During the second phase of the program, which started June 1, North Carolina consumers signed up for rebates on home air conditioning, heating systems and water heaters as well as refrigerators, freezers, clothes washing machines and dishwashers.  Through both phases of the program, North Carolina consumers received, or will be receiving, rebates worth $8.3 million and purchased more than 62,970 appliances, accounting for sales valued at $64.1 million.  In addition, program expenses and administration accounted for $500,000.  

Based on experience in other states, between 20 percent and 40 percent of the rebates reserved may not be fulfilled – either because the application is not qualified or the rebate form is not mailed in.  To make sure all available funds are spent on the rebates, the special Energy Star Rebate Program Web site and toll-free telephone number will remain open until all the money is used.  Look for the blue Energy Star logo.  Consumers without Internet access may call 1-877-379-7323 for further information. 

After making a purchase, those applying online to be on the waiting list must print out, sign and mail the application form to the listed address, along with a copy of the sales receipt.  That information must be sent within 15 days of applying for the rebate.  Consumers applying for rebates by telephone will be mailed a confirmation sheet and must return it by the listed date.  Rebates are being sent in the form of prepaid debit cards that can be used toward purchases at stores that accept debit cards.