Monday, June 17, 2013

Governor McCrory Proclaims June 17-21, 2013 as Small Business Week in North Carolina

Raleigh, NC
Jun 17, 2013

Governor Pat McCrory has proclaimed June 17-21, 2013 as Small Business Week in North Carolina, encouraging citizens to recognize the importance of small businesses and their owners here in this state.

"Small businesses are the backbone of North Carolina's economy," said Governor McCrory. "The entrepreneurial spirit of small business owners and the role they play in encouraging economic growth is vital to our state."

“In many ways, small business is actually big business in North Carolina,” said Sharon Decker, North Carolina Secretary of Commerce. “They represent 98 percent of all employers and employ roughly half of private-sector labor force.  We applaud their contribution to our state and want to do all we can to encourage the growth and success of small business.” 

This weekend, Governor McCrory had a chance to meet with the recipients of 2013's N.C. Small Business People of the Year, the Brushy Mountain Bee Farm. The award is given by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Brushy Mountain is also one of 26 companies in North Carolina to have received the N.C. Department of Labor’s Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) designation.

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