Thursday, February 23, 2012


Community Investment Director to serve as COSCDA Southern States Representative
Feb 23, 2012

  Vickie L. Miller, Director of Community Investment and Assistance for the N.C. Department of Commerce’s Community Development Division was elected this month as the Southern States Representative to the Council of State Community Development Agencies (COSCDA) Board of Directors.   

“Vickie had an incredible depth of knowledge, and this is quite an honor for both Vickie and the State of North Carolina,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco.  “North Carolina and this region will be represented well.”

Miller has served nearly 20 years in state and local government, including 15 years at the Department of Commerce.  Her term will expire in September 2013.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to represent North Carolina and other Southern States on the COSCDA Board of Directors,” said Miller. “I look forward to enhancing our community development partnerships in North Carolina, across the South and nationally.”  

COSCDA, based in Washington, D.C., is the leading organization of its kind in the nation.  Since its inception in 1974, COSCDA has positioned itself as the premier national association charged with advocating and enhancing the leadership role of states in community development and collaborative partnerships at the state and local level.  COSCDA’s membership is made up of state agencies with major responsibilities related to community development, affordable housing, local economic development, and homelessness.  These state agencies administer a mix of community development and affordable housing programs funded by federal and state dollars. 

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