Capping off a week-long celebration of North Carolina manufacturers, Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III, presented a proclamation for North Carolina Manufacturing Week to Jerry Pedley, founder of Mertek Solutions Inc., a Sanford company that designs and builds automated assembly and test equipment for manufacturers.
Governor McCrory has proclaimed the week of October 3-7, 2016, North Carolina Manufacturing Week. The recognition coincides with National Manufacturing Day, which is today.
Manufacturing, one of the state’s most powerful economic engines, accounts for more than $88 billion in annual production or nearly 20 percent of North Carolina’s total GDP. For every $1.00 spent in manufacturing, North Carolina’s economy generates $2.09 in economic impact, according to N.C. Commerce’s Labor and Economic Analysis team.
North Carolina’s 10,387 manufacturers employ more than 461,000 workers – more than any state in the Southeastern U.S. “Our manufacturing economy is globally competitive and more diversified than ever,” said Sec. Skvarla. “Mertek is a homegrown North Carolina company that places innovation and workforce quality at the heart of its business. It represents North Carolina manufacturing at its finest.”
Founded in 2010, Mertek Solutions provides manufacturing engineering and industrial equipment design for large and small manufacturers. Its customers include Corning, Magneti Marelli Powertrain, Moen and other major manufacturing names in North Carolina. Mertek’s 45-person workforce includes 20 employees who began as apprentices at the company. It works with Central Carolina Community College, Lee County Schools, NCWorks and other organizations in maintaining a robust apprenticeship program.
Since 2012, Mertek has hosted an annual Open House in conjunction with National Manufacturing Day, inviting area schools to participate. “We think it’s important to get kids to think about manufacturing careers early on, and this event is one way we can do that,” said Pedley. “A strong talent pipeline means a strong future for Mertek and other manufacturers in North Carolina.”
We're seeking your comments on a proposed disaster recovery plan for western N.C.
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