Tuesday, November 24, 2015

N.C. Named One of America's Most Business-Friendly States

Raleigh, N.C.
Nov 24, 2015

Raleigh, N.C.North Carolina has been ranked the seventh most business-friendly state by the Pollina Corporate/AEDI (American Economic Development Institute) Top Ten Pro-Business States Report released this month.  The report details how well states have or have not positioned themselves to retain and create jobs.  This is the twelfth edition of the study, which is used by corporations to evaluate their current and future U.S. locations.

Since Governor McCrory entered office, North Carolina has moved up from its 2013 ranking of 15th and 2014 ranking of 11th.

“This study is one more example of how well North Carolina is valued by America’s business community,” said North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. “Our quality workforce, our reforms to reduce the tax burden on businesses and families, and our economic development tools all play a role in making North Carolina a state where people and businesses can grow and prosper."

The study examined 32 factors that are relative to state efforts to be pro-business.  It is also the only study of its kind that examines each state’s incentive programs annually.

“Nothing compares to what North Carolina can offer businesses looking to expand or relocate here,” said N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III.  “This latest ranking confirms that we are taking the right steps to keep North Carolina competitive in recruiting and creating jobs.”

Since Governor McCrory took office in January of 2013, North Carolina has witnessed the net creation of nearly 240,000 private sectors jobs. Reforms to North Carolina’s tax code signed by the governor have also gained positive recognition for the state’s business climate. The Tax Foundation’s State Business Tax Climate Index recently ranked North Carolina’s tax climate as the 15th most competitive in the nation, improving from 44th in 2013 and experiencing the largest single rate jump in history of the Tax Foundation rankings.

View the the Pollina Corporate/AEDI report here: http://www.pollina.com/top10/Top-10-Pro-Business-States-2015.pdf.

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