Press Releases

Social Beverage Company, LLC will create 34 jobs
Raleigh, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory, North Carolina Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III, and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) today announced the expansion of Home Elevator & Lift Products LLC in Greene County.
Grants will provide needed infrastructure to help attract industry to major NC sites
Global software company will invest $5 million in Raleigh
Infrastructure Grants Total Nearly $8.7 Million
Leading global contract research organization plans to invest $37.9 million
Ohio-based frieght brokerage firm to open third NC location
The North Carolina Department of Commerce released the county tier designations for 2017 today.  The designations, which are mandated by state law, play a role in several programs that assist in economic development.
Taiwan's Everest Textile will invest nearly $19 Million

igh, N.C. — Unemployment rates (not seasonally adjusted) increased in 44 of North Carolina’s counties in October, decreased in 22, and remained unchanged in 34.