We're seeking your comments on a proposed disaster recovery plan for western N.C.
You have until March 20 to weigh in with your thoughts. Draft | Proposed HUD Action Plan (CDBG-DR) for Hurricane Helene
The N.C. Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) released a report today regarding an internal audit it conducted of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program at the request of the N.C.
Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker and Assistant Secretary Dr. Pat Mitchell announced today that 21 awards will be given to participants in the N.C. Main Street and Small Town Main Street program.
North Carolina Economic Development Board approved a 10-year strategic plan today that is designed to serve as a guide for economic growth and activities across the state.
The Department of Commerce’s Office of Urban Development will hold their annual N.C. Main Street Conference January 29-31 in New Bern.
N.C. Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker and Assistant Secretary for Rural Development Dr. Pat Mitchell announced today that the N.C. Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) approved 17 grants totaling $10,546,399.