The relationship between where people work and where people live is one of many important factors to understanding your local economy. The U.S. Census Bureau’s OnTheMap tool provides this and other data that is essential for local analysis.
The relationship between where people work and where people live is one of many important factors to understanding your local economy. The U.S. Census Bureau’s OnTheMap tool provides this and other data that is essential for local analysis.
Boosted by growing benefits, the South’s total compensation paid by private sector employers rose in March, but was lowest among regions.
How can we explain increasing wage inequality in North Carolina? This article shows that the inequality trend is being driven not by disparities between you and your boss, but rather between you and workers at other companies.
The securities industry continues to grow in North Carolina, despite the headwinds of the Great Recession.
Healthcare surpasses manufacturing in North Carolina, mirroring national trends.
For many in North Carolina’s Northwest Prosperity Zone region, slow-going hiking through its peaks and valleys are woven into the fabric of daily life. Its up-and-down recovery from The Great Recession has been no exception.
In the last 20 years, North Carolina’s job opportunities have become more polarized.
Uber has created thousands of jobs in North Carolina, and expects continued job growth over the next few years.
It will soon be summer, and for many, that means traveling to beach towns scattered along the coastline of North Carolina’s Southeast prosperity zone region. There, they will experience a diverse economy that produces more than just the catch of the day.
In many ways, Scotland County experienced a more intense version of the changes occurring in the state during the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Recently released data from the 2012 Census of Governments suggest that The Great Recession was a wrecking ball in North Carolina that knocked down spending on some state and local government building projects from 2007–2012.
It is well known that firms may choose a location for reasons including tax rates and the availability of a skilled workforce. There are other reasons beyond these commonly cited ones that are important to understand.
The number of unemployed job seekers previously employed in “routine” occupations is far larger than the number of jobs available in those fields. This article takes a closer look at the supply and demand for different types of work in North Carolina’s changing labor market.
Temporary and other employment services jobs have been increasing in North Carolina since 2009, but we know very little about the industries in which these jobs are contracted. In this article, we explore a creative method for estimating the number of temp jobs in each industry in which temps are likely to be placed.
Economic research tells us that most people who land new jobs were not actively seeking work. This article explores data particular to North Carolina to illustrate this fact and its implications for workforce and economic development.