Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Infrastructure Grants Awarded to Local Governments

Community Development Block Grants to help improve water/sewer lines across the state
Sep 18, 2012

Gov. Bev Perdue announced today that 18 counties and communities were awarded Community Development Block Grants to upgrade critical public infrastructure in those locations. These projects will improve existing water and sewer services. The CDBG grant funds are provided by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development and are dedicated for projects serving persons of low- and moderate-incomes.

“These projects will enhance the vitality of communities across the state by providing improvements to housing and living environments, as well as expanding economic opportunities,” said Gov. Bev Perdue.  “Our strong federal partnership helps us to ensure that North Carolinians have access to adequate housing and water and sewer services.”

The Division of Community Assistance, a division of North Carolina Department of Commerce, administers the CDBG program. The following local governments have recently been awarded funds:
Elizabeth City
Elizabeth City has been awarded $450,000 in CDBG funds to upgrade pre-1960’s water lines, and $300,000 to improve sewer lines that are causing backup and a collection of debris.  

Town of Black Creek
The Town of Black Creek has been awarded $118,997 in CDBG funds to construct a new water distribution system for 28 homes.  This will include the installation of 1,280 Linear Feet (LF) of 6” lines and other appurtenances.

Town of Murphy
The Town of Murphy has been awarded $745,800 to upgrade existing sewer lines to include 5,200 LF of 12” water lines to replace existing 6” lines.  The current lines pose an imminent threat to the 50 existing housing units because of extreme low water pressure.

Town of Saratoga
The Town of Saratoga has been awarded $163,383.47 in CDBG funds to include public sewer improvements that would eliminate failing septic systems for eight households.  

Town of Plymouth
The Town of Plymouth has been awarded $406,000 in CDBG funds to replace a failing wastewater pumping station and force main and gravity lines for 50 units of housing. The project includes 1900 LF of 4” force main lines and 100 LF of gravity sewer lines.

Town of Midland
The Town of Midland has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to install 5,100 LF of 8” gravity sewer lines to serve 31 families to address the issue of failing septic systems and straight-piping black water.  
Town of Seaboard
The Town of Seaboard has been awarded $144,000 in CDBG funds to assist eight households.  The proposed project will install water lines for the homes by constructing 1,100 LF of 6” water lines.

Clay County
Clay County has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to add 8,000 LF of 8” sewer line and one sewer pump station for 25 homes.  Project is to eradicate failing septic systems.  

Village of Pinehurst
The Village of Pinehurst has been awarded $683,200 in CDBG funds to install approximately 1,950 LF of 8” gravity sewer lines to serve 16 single family homes on the east side of NC Highway 5 along Arnette Street and Olivia Street.

City of Rockingham
The City of Rockingham has been awarded $720,000 in CDBG funds to install a new 8” gravity sewer main connection to an existing sanitary sewer main located in the South Street Area of East Rockingham.  

Town of Enfield
The Town of Enfield has been awarded $220,955.75 in CDBG funds to replace the existing substandard 2” water line on Bell Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue with 2,350 LF of 6” water main along with replacement of outdated meters and installation of eight fire hydrants.  

Town of Bakersville
The Town of Bakersville has been awarded $$263,400 in CDBG funds to conduct improvements to the Bakersville Linda Lane well, including the installation of an iron removal system and the rerouting of the well distribution line directly to the distribution system.
Town of Dallas
The Town of Dallas has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to conduct improvements on 9,600 LF of 8” water mains and 9,450 LF of 6” water mains along with hydrants valves and other appurtenances.  

Town of Benson
The Town of Benson has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to upgrade and replace the existing water distribution system for the town, including replacement of water lines on the east side of Church Street and the entirety of Main Street.

Town of Roper
The Town of Roper has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to conduct improvements on the Water Treatment Plant, replace approximately 8,000 LF of the deteriorating and failing water distribution system and conduct improvements to the wastewater units.

Town of Wadesboro
The Town of Wadesboro has been awarded $750,000 in CDBG funds to install water and sewer lines and to eliminate severe and moderate needs associated with residences in the Lewis Street Target Area comprising 21 dwelling units.

In addition, Bladen County and Onslow County have each received a $400,000 CDBG of Scattered Site Housing funds. These funds will also improve the housing conditions of low-income households in those communities.  
Learn more about the Community Block Development Grants program at www.nccommerce.com/cd.

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