Monday, May 18, 2015

Asbury Carbons, Inc. Selects North Carolina for New Facility

Will Create 25 New Jobs for Robeson County
May 18, 2015
Raleigh, N.C.— Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced today that Asbury Carbons, Inc. will locate a new facility in Robeson County.  The move will create 25 new jobs during the next three years with a company investment of more than $8 million in Lumberton.
"Asbury Carbons chose North Carolina because of our state's excellent access to both rail and ports, particularly in Robeson County,” said Governor McCrory. “Asbury is a family business with an international reach. It concluded North Carolina provided the strategic location that would allow the company to grow and thrive in the 21st century.”
Asbury Carbons, Inc. is a 119-year-old family managed business based in Asbury, New Jersey.  The business processes graphite and other carbons, minerals and materials.  Asbury supplies its products to a wide-range of industries such as brake lining manufacturers, ceramics manufacturers, LED manufacturers and others.
It has six locations in the United States, and one each in Canada, Mexico and the Netherlands.
“Asbury Carbons told us it was looking to become an established part of the community and we’re pleased the business picked the Southeastern North Carolina region,” said Secretary Skvarla.
Salaries will vary by job but will include managers, maintenance operators and plant operators with an average annual wage of $32,920. The Robeson County average annual wage is $29,349.
“After a long and thorough vetting process the site we selected in Robeson County stood head and shoulders above other sites being considered,” said company Vice President-COO Noah Nichelson. “The support of the local and state economic development organizations has been incredible, manifesting in this generous One North Carolina grant. Asbury looks forward to becoming an outstanding member of the Robeson County community.”
The project was made possible in part by a performance-based grant from the One North Carolina Fund of up to $100,000. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance, through local governments, to attract business projects that will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs in the state. Companies receive no money up front and must meet job creation and investment performance standards to qualify for grant funds. These grants also require and are contingent upon local matches.
“This is welcome news for Lumberton and the Robeson County community,” said Representative Charles Graham.  “I look forward to working with my colleagues at the state level and local business leaders to bring even more jobs to our area.”
“Congratulations to Asbury Carbons for making this investment in Robeson County,” said Senator Jane Smith.   “This new business and the jobs it will create will add to the economic impact for our area.”
In addition to the N.C. Department of Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C., other partners that helped with this project include: North Carolina Community College System, North Carolina Department of Transportation, North Carolina Ports, North Carolina Railroad Company, North Carolina’s Southeast Economic Development Partnership, Robeson County Office of Economic Development, Robeson County, and the City of Lumberton.

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