Topics Related to Workforce

Governor Pat McCrory is visiting factories across the state to highlight North Carolina-made products as part of Manufacturing Day. 

, N.C. - Citing the need for educators and business leaders to work hand-in-hand to provide training that will equip workers with skills that are in-demand, Governor Pat McCrory launched the “1000 in 100” workforce development initiative today.

, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory and the state of North Carolina have been selected for a nationally recognized program that will support its efforts to strengthen the state’s workforce. 

More than 30 students across North Carolina took new steps in their future careers by formally joining Registered Apprenticeships this week.

North Carolina has awarded more than $717,000 to employers to help them invest in building the skills of their workers.

More than 30 North Carolina businesses and 700 employees are benefitting from grants from the NC Incumbent Worker Development Program (IWDP) that were awarded in December 2013.  The program provides funding for employers to train their existing workforce. 

The Apprenticeship and Training Bureau, formerly a part of the N.C. Department of Labor, transitioned to the N.C.

  In preparation for the annual observance of Veterans Day on Monday, November 11, Governor Pat McCrory and Commerce Secretary Sharon Decker announced today that November 10-16 is “Employ A Veteran” Week in North Carolina.

  The military supports 540,000 jobs, including 340,000 in the private sector, according to a new report released today by the N.C. Department of Commerce. The report also found the military boosts the state’s  personal income by more than $30 billion.

IGH, N.C. — The N.C. Department of Commerce recently received positive results from three separate audits of the Division of Employment Security (DES). The Division was audited by the U.S.