Programs and Services Directory

Find the N.C. Commerce program or service you’re looking for right here. Just select a category and then click the apply button (choose the filter button first, if you’re on a mobile device) to review the choices we offer in that topic area. You can also search by keyword.

All programs and services offered by each of our divisions appear in this directory.

54 results found
Grants & Funding
Advice & Technical Assistance
Data & Analysis

Customized Career Services for Young Adults

SERVICE | Explore the word of work and find employment using our personalized services for young adults seeking jobs

Service Details | Career Services for Young Adults

Career Services, Workforce Solutions

Customized Training

PROGRAM | Train your workers with a customized curriculum and expert instructors tailored to your business' specific needs.

Program Details | Customized Training

Workforce, Workforce Solutions

Demographic Reports

SERVICE (Online) | Access and download custom demographics reports and area maps at the county, regional, and other specialized levels.

Service (Online) | Demographic Reports

Demographic Data, Labor & Economic Analysis (LEAD)

Directory of Grant Documents

SERVICE | Find the documents you need to manage a grant from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Our search-friendly Grant Management Documents directory is designed for people administering a grant from the Department.

Disaster Relief | State and Federal Funds

PROGRAM | Secure funding for the repair, replacement or construction of new infrastructure. Available to local governments dealing with the aftermath of various natural disasters.

Program Details - Disaster Relief

Public Infrastructure, Rural Economic Development

Employee Recruiting & Screening

SERVICE | Find workers for your company when you tap the recruiting and canditate screening services available from your nearest NCWorks Career Center.

Service Details | Employee Recruiting and Screening

Workforce Development, Workforce Solutions

Employment Figures | State-Level

SERVICE (Online) | Find the latest monthly employment figures for NC, as well as past figures by year and month.

Employment Projections

SERVICE (Online) | View projections of employment growth by industry and occupation at the state and regional levels.

Online Service | Employment Projections

Labor & Economic Analysis (LEAD), Employment Projections

Incumbent Worker Training

PROGRAM | Receive support to train your existing workforce from this effective workforce development solution

Program Details | Incumbent Worker Training

Workforce, Workforce Development, Workforce Solutions