We're seeking your comments on a proposed disaster recovery plan for western N.C.
You have until March 20 to weigh in with your thoughts. Draft | Proposed HUD Action Plan (CDBG-DR) for Hurricane Helene
We publish performance reports for the wide variety of North Carolina economic development incentive programs managed by our Department. Browse the entire library below, or use the search tools to filter your results to either a particular program, such as our Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) or a type or category of report.
Title | Description | Document File (Click to Open) | Search Terms (Programs or Type) | Last Updated |
Annual Report | Economic Development Grants | The annual Economic Development Grant Report describes performance for many of North Carolina's economic development incentive programs in a single report. A separate Excel document, available on this site, is an appendix to this main report. We publish this report annually, as called for in North Carolina Statute §143B-437.07(c). | Commerce-Economic-Development-Grant-Report-2024.pdf | JDIG, OneNC, Documents | Utility Account, JMAC, Program Performance, Annual Report | |
Appendix | Economic Development Grant Report | An appendix to the Economic Development Grant Report, this Excel document provides additional information about projects under various economic development incentive programs | DOC_ED-Grants_Spreadsheet_01Oct24_asPublished-Web.xlsx | JDIG, OneNC, Documents | Utility Account, JMAC, Program Performance, Annual Report | |
Annual Report | Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) | The 2023 Annual Report on the North Carolina Job Development Investment Grant Program (JDIG) describes Calendar Year 2023 new grants under the program, along with detailed information for all grants awarded since the beginning of the program. We publish this report pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) §143B-437.55(c). | 2023-JDIG-Annual-Report_asPublished.pdf | JDIG, Annual Report, Program Performance | |
Funding Study | Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) Program | This document reports the findings of a required study used to determine the minimum funding level required to implement the Job Development Investment Grant Program successfully. This study is published in April each year as required by North Carolina General Statute § 143B‑437.55(e) | JDIG-Funding-Study-(FY24-25)_asPublished_040124.pdf | JDIG, Funding Study | |
Annual Report | Job Maintenance and Capital Development Fund (JMAC) | This Annual Report on the North Carolina Job Maintenance and Capital Development Fund (JMAC) describes Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 performance, along with detailed information for all JMAC grants awarded since the beginning of the program. | DOC_JMAC-Report_01Sep2023_asPublished.pdf | JMAC, Annual Report, Program Performance | |
Annual Report | Site Infrastructure Development Fund (SIDF) | This Annual Report on the North Carolina Site Infrastructure Development Fund (SIDF) details program performance and information for all SIDF grants awarded in the program's history | DOC_SIDF-Report_01Sep2023_asPublished.pdf | Program Performance, Building or Site Preparation, Miscellaneous, Annual Report | |
Clawback Report | North Carolina Incentives Clawback Report | For a variety of circumstances, the state must occasionally take action to capture back and return to the state treasury previously awarded grant or incentive funds. This report details clawback actions and is published as required by North Carolina General Statute 143B 435.1(d) | Commerce_Clawback-Report_asPublished_01April2023.pdf | JDIG, CDBG, OneNC, Building Renovation (Reuse), Public Infrastructure, Documents | Utility Account, Clawback | |
Gov Ops Report | Performance Information for the One North Carolina Fund | The GovOps report provides detailed data for the One North Carolina Fund program. This report is published as required by Section 12.4 (c) of North Carolina Session Law 2003-284. | Gov-Ops-2020-1st-Qtr.pdf | OneNC, Program Performance | |
Annual Report | CDBG Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER) | The North Carolina Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report, or CAPER, summarizes the accomplishments of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the Rural Economic Development Division at the North Carolina Department of Commerce. The report also includes information on three other North Carolina state agencies, each of whom receives a formula grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). | Final_2018_CAPER.docx | Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG, Annual Report, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), Program Performance |