Other Reports (Policymakers)

Find special reports produced by the Department of Commerce on a variety of topics, from overviews of specific industries to strategic plans for different programs, like Community Development Block Grants. We also post draft versions of reports and policies where we're seeking public comments before publishing final versions. Browse the entire library below, or use the search tools to filter your results.

Title Description Document File (Click to Open) Search Terms (Programs or Type) Last Updated
Report | Building North Carolina's Offshore Wind Supply Chain

This report examines North Carolina’s opportunity with the offshore wind (OSW) industry,  with a particular emphasis on the industry's supply chain needs and the state's position and potential

Report_North-Carolina-OSW-Supply-Chain-Assessment_BVGAssociates_asPublished-Mar3-2021.pdf Miscellaneous
Report | COVID-19 Impacts on N.C. Small Businesses 2020 Survey Results

This report shows results from a survey of North Carolina small businesses that were asked about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their company's operations.  The survey was conducted b

NC-Small-Business-Survey-Final-Report-with-Appendix-December-2020.pdf Downtowns (Main Street), Disaster Recovery, Miscellaneous
Criteria or Guidelines | Approval Letter from FEMA for Lost Wages Assistance Program

This document, a letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), approves the State of North Carolina's participation in the Lost Wages Assistance program, a program to provide suppleme

FEMA-Letter-Lost-Wages-Assist.pdf Criteria or Guidelines, Disaster Recovery, Miscellaneous
Guidelines | North Carolina Consolidated Annual Action Plan (AAP) for CDBG

The 2020 Annual Action Plan is a document related to the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.  This document serves as the annual application to the U.S.

2020-NC-AAP_FINAL-HUD-Submission-6.30.2020.pdf Annual Action Plan, CDBG Categories, Criteria or Guidelines, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG
Report | Clean Energy and Clean Transportation in North Carolina; A Workforce Assessment

This report offers an assessment of North Carolina's workforce with regard to clean energy and clean transportation.  Published in response to Governor Roy Cooper's

Clean-Energy-Clean-Transportation-in-NC-A-Workforce-Assessment-2019_asPublished_100119.pdf Strategic, Miscellaneous
North Carolina Jobs Plan 2014-2024

The North Carolina Jobs Plan - Recommended Strategies for Economic Growth 2014-2024 was published in December 2013 by the North Carolina Economic Development Board, a body that is no longer active.

NC-Jobs-Plan-Report_December-2013.pdf Strategic, Miscellaneous