Additional Reference Materials | Rural Transformation Grants
As you consider submitting a project for a Rural Transformation Grant, the documents on this page can provide helpful guidance and examples as you prepare a proposal for your community.
- The Grant Monitoring Checklist outlines items we'll review with you on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the grant agreement.
- The Risk Assessment Questionnaire outlines items we'll review with you to document and understand any risks associated with the grant.
- The Environmental Review provides helpful information on meeting the environmental requirements of the program.
- The Sample Local Government Resolution can be adapted and used to officially approve, at the local level, an application to be submitted to the Department of Commerce for a grant from the program.
- The Sample RFQ for Grant Administration Services can be adapted and used, at the local level, as part of the standard local procurement process.
- The list of projects approved in round one of the grant program provides descriptions of those projects, offering ideas for crafting your own project proposals.
- The list of projects approved in round two of the grant program provides descriptions of those projects, also offering ideas for crafting your own project proposals.
- The list of projects approved in round three of the grant program is available.
This page was last modified on 04/24/2024