NCWorks Commission Policy Statements and DWS Operational Guidance

Displaying 101 - 120 of 253

On this page, you'll find links to specific policy directives for workforce professionals in North Carolina. We display two classes of policy documents. As of November 2020, the NCWorks Commission approves major statewide policies in accordance with the federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), and these are known as Commission Policy Statements. Meanwhile, the Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) issues Operational Guidance notices, which carry the full authority of NCWorks Commission policies. Both of these types of documents can be found here using the search tools below.
Policy Title (click for summary information) Policy Document and Support Files Site Page Terms
Commission Policy | CPS 02-2021 Status and Use of Current Division of Workforce Solutions (DWS) Policy Statements
  • Workforce Policies
Commission Policy | CPS 03-2021 Updates to Local and Regional Area Plan Instructions for Program Year 2021
  • Workforce Policies
Commission Policy | CPS 01-2020 NCWorks Commission Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Making Authority
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 04-2020, Change 2 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Wagner-Peyser Employment Act Participant Eligibility Reference Guide - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 15-2020 Employer Services Grant Funds Policy and Application - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 14-2020 Guidance on Eligibility for Participation in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I Dislocated Worker Program - Rescinded
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 13-2020 Guidance for Local Incumbent Worker Grants - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 11-2020 Defining Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Performance Success and Failure
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 12-2020 Finish Line Grants Continuation Instructions and Request Form - EXPIRED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 10-2020 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Supportive Services Policy Guidance - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 09-2020, Change 1 NCWorks Career Center Memorandum of Understanding and Partner Infrastructure Funding Agreement - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 09-2020 NCWorks Career Center Memorandum of Understanding and Partner Infrastructure Funding Agreement - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 08-2020 Requesting Dislocated Worker Contingency Funds Available from North Carolina's Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Statewide Rapid Response Allotment
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 07-2020, Change 1 Lower Living Standard Income Level and to Rescind DWS Policy Statement Number 07-2020 - Rescinded
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 07-2020 Lower Living Standard Income Level and to Rescind DWS Policy Statement Number 10-2019 - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 06-2020 Local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce Development Program Year 2020 Allocations - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | 04-2019, Change 2 Revised Local Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce Development Program Year 2019 Allocations - EXPIRED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 04-2020, Change 1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Wagner-Peyser Employment Act Participant Eligibility Reference Guide - RESCINDED
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy | PS 05-2020 NCWorks Online Service Activity Codes and Definitions; Guidance on Case Notes and Exit Dates
  • Workforce Policies
Workforce Policy|PS 03-2020 Finish Line Grants (FLG) Tech Device Loaner Program - EXPIRED
  • Workforce Policies