Press Releases

State Ranks No. 1 in the South Atlantic; Greensboro-High Point Ranks No. 1 Metro Area of its Size
 Governor Pat McCrory announced today that North Carolina jumped to fourth place among all states in Site Selection magazine’s 2014 Governor’s Cup, a closely-watched ranking of economic development success.  North Carolina moved up three spots as compared to last year’s ranking.
, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced today that Scott Technologies, Inc. will be investing in growth of its Scott Safety headquarters in Union County, NC.
, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced today that RAUMEDIC, Inc. will be locating its first U.S.
, N.C. - The North Carolina Industrial Commission announced today the approval of three administrative rules which significantly revise its Medical Fee Schedule.
, N.C. - Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced today that Shalag US, Inc. will be expanding its production facility in Granville County.  The expansion will create 40 new jobs over the next three years.
, N.C. -  Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C.

North Carolina Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III and Assistant Secretary for Rural Development Dr. Pat Mitchell announced today that the N.C. Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) approved 15 grants or loans totaling more than $5 million with the commitment of 491 new jobs. 

Raleigh, N.C. --- The N.C. Department of Commerce announced today Main Street Solutions Awards going to the City of Clinton for up to $200,000 and the Town of Elkin in an amount up to $100,000.

U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas E.