We're seeking your comments on a proposed disaster recovery plan for western N.C.
You have until March 20 to weigh in with your thoughts. Draft | Proposed HUD Action Plan (CDBG-DR) for Hurricane Helene
Governor Pat McCrory announced today North Carolina has paid off the unemployment insurance debt owed to the federal government. That debt was as high as $2.8 billion and stood at $2.5 billion when Governor McCrory took office in January 2013.
The National Main Street Center®, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation has accredited 35 North Carolina communities for meeting performance standards. This year marks a 26% increase in communities that achieved accreditation.
igh, N.C.- North Carolina Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. announced three productions will receive funds from the newly established North Carolina Film and Entertainment Grant.