Grants Management Documents

Our Department administers a wide range of grant and economic development incentive programs. If you're managing a grant that we've previously awarded, or you're interested in applying for one of our grant programs, you'll find a variety of helpful documents in this section.

Browse the entire library below, or use the search tools to filter your results by program type (e.g. CDBG), or funding source (federal or state), document type (e.g.: application) or even by keyword.

Document Title Description Document File (Click to Open) Type (or Category) of Document Last Updated
Compliance | CDBG Housing Rehab Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

CDBG-Housing-Rehab-Monitoring-Form-2023rev.docx Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Guidelines | Rural Transformation Grant Program

This document provides guidelines for the North Carolina Rural Transformation Grant Program, adminstered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce's Rural Economic Development Division.

For further information about this grant program, contact:

Hazel Edmond
Rural Engagement & Investment Program Director

Rural-Transform-Grants-Program-Guidelines_01.19.23.pdf Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), Miscellaneous
Compliance | CDBG Labor Standards Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Labor_Standards_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Financial Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Financial_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG General Administration Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

General_Administration_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Financial Monitoring - Advance Payments Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Fiscal_Monitoring_of_Advance_Payments_Requisition_Addendum_Rev032019.doc Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Startup Visit Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Start_UpVisit_Review_Form.docx Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Financial Monitoring - Reimbursements Payments Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Fiscal_Monitoring_of_Reimbursements_and_Requisition_Addendum_Rev0319.doc Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Procurement and Contract Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Procurement_Administration_Monitoring_Rev_03052019.doc Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Fair Housing Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Fair_Housing_Monitoring_Form_2019_0.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Compliance Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Compliance_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Acquisition Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Acquisition_Monitoring_Form_Revised_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Closeout and Accomplishment Package

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

CDBG_CloseoutAccomplishmentsPkg_CertofCompletion_2019.xls Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), Document Type
Compliance | CDBG Utility Hook Up Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

IFHU_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG L-1 Rehabilitation Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

L-1_Rehabilitation_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Fair Housing Monitoring Form

This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at

Fair_Housing_Monitoring_Form_2019.rtf Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | SAMPLE JDIG Application to add Remote Workers

This document is an example of the application you'll use to add remote workers to a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) Grant Annual Report (GAR).

JDIG-Application-to-add-Remote-Workers_asPublished_1.9.23.pdf Compliance, JDIG
Guidelines | Project Descriptions from Round 2, Rural Transformation Grants

Review descriptions of projects that were previously awarded a North Carolina Rural Transformation Grant (this document contains awards announced in Round 2 of grantmaking). These descriptions can provide helpful guidance as you prepare to submit grant applications for potential projects in your area.

Rural-Transform-Gants-Round-Two_Project-Descriptions_asPublished_010423.pdf Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development
Guidelines | Fact Sheet: The One North Carolina Small Business Program (SBIR/STTR Matching Grants)

This fact sheet flyer provides a quick overview of the One North Carolina Small Business Program, a state grant program that provides matching funds to companies that have successfully won a federal technology grant, either a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant or a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant. Additional information on the Program can be found on the Program's webpage.

One NC Small Business Program Fact Sheet (ONCSBP).pdf Criteria or Guidelines, Small Business (Technology), Pre-Application
Guidelines | JDIG Frequently Asked Questions About the Grant Annual Report (GAR)

Answers to frequently asked questions we hear about filing the Grantee Annual Report (GAR) for a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG).

JDIG-GAR-Frequently-Asked-Questions_2022.pdf Criteria or Guidelines, JDIG, Compliance