Our Department administers a wide range of grant and economic development incentive programs. If you're managing a grant that we've previously awarded, or you're interested in applying for one of our grant programs, you'll find a variety of helpful documents in this section.
Browse the entire library below, or use the search tools to filter your results by program type (e.g. CDBG), or funding source (federal or state), document type (e.g.: application) or even by keyword.
Document Title | Description | Document File (Click to Open) | Type (or Category) of Document | Last Updated |
Pre-Application | One North Carolina Small Business Program FY 2022-2023 Incentive Funds Program Solicitation | This is the current solicitation for the One North Carolina Small Business Program, SBIR/STTR Phase I Incentive Funds Program. Additional information on the Program can be found on the Program's webpage. |
ONCSBP_Incentive_Solicitation_FY2023_Final_0.pdf | Pre-Application, Criteria or Guidelines, Small Business (Technology) | |
Pre-Application | One North Carolina Small Business Program FY 2022-2023 Matching Funds Program Solicitation | This is the current solicitation for the One North Carolina Small Business Program, SBIR/STTR Phase I Matching Funds Program. Additional information on the Program can be found on the Program's webpage. |
ONCSBP_Match_Solicitation_FY2023_FINAL.pdf | Pre-Application, Small Business (Technology), Criteria or Guidelines | |
Criteria | Job Maintenance & Capital Development Fund (JMAC) | Criteria for the Job Maintenance & Capital Development Fund (JMAC). The program seeks to stimulate economic activity by maintaining significant numbers of high-paying, high-quality jobs. | JMAC-Criteria_asRevised_September-2022.pdf | Criteria or Guidelines, JMAC | |
Pre-Application | Sample Local Government Resolution for Rural Transformation Grants | This sample resolution can be adopted by local governments to affirm their intent to apply for a Rural Transformation Grant from the North Carolina Department of Commerce. | Rural-Transform-Grant_Sample-Local-Government-Resolution.pdf | Pre-Application, Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development | |
Guidelines | Project Descriptions from Round 1, Rural Transformation Grants | A list of projects previously awarded a North Carolina Rural Transformation Grant, which can provide helpful guidance as you prepare to submit grant applications for potential projects in your area. | Rural-Transform-Grants-Round-One_Project-Descriptions.pdf | Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development | |
Compliance | Rural Transformation Grant Monitoring Checklist | This checklist will be used by Commerce staff to monitor your compliance to the grant requirements, and also serves as a helpful guide for local grant administrators |
Rural-Transform-Grant_Monitoring-Checklist.pdf | Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development, Program Funding Source | |
Guidelines | North Carolina Esports Industry Grant | This document contains the current guidelines for North Carolina's Esports Industry Grant. More information about the program is available from SportsNC, the state's sports venue promotion unit. |
eSportsEventsGrant_Guidelines_asPublished_061622.pdf | Criteria or Guidelines, Miscellaneous, Other Grants | |
Compliance | SAMPLE Asset Listing for JDIG | This is an example of the Asset Listing document you may need to include in your GAR filing. |
JDIG-Asset-listing-SAMPLE.pdf | Compliance, JDIG | |
Guidelines | Default Policy for Grants | Information on how the state treats grantees in default of their grant agreements. |
Default-Policy.pdf | Compliance, JDIG | |
Guidelines | CitrixShareFile Security Settings for Commerce Clients | This document outlines the security of the North Carolina Department of Revenue's Citrix Sharefile site. This is the site you'll use to upload the JDIG Grantee Annual Report. |
CitrixShareFile-SecuritySettings-Commerce-Clients.pdf | Compliance, JDIG | |
Guidelines | Acronyms and CEDA Section Map for JDIG | Definitions for common acronyms associated with the JDIG program and a chart to help you navigate your Community Economic Development Agreement (CEDA) |
Acronyms-and-CEDA-Section-Map_2021-asPublished.pdf | Compliance, JDIG, Criteria or Guidelines | |
Guidelines | Remote Worker Guidelines for JDIG | Guidelines for how remote workers are treated under terms of a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG). |
JDIG-Remote-Worker-Guidelines.pdf | Compliance, JDIG | |
Guidelines | Remote Workers FAQs | Answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding the treatment of remote workers for purposes of a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) |
Remote-Workers-FAQs.pdf | Compliance, JDIG | |
Guidelines | North Carolina CDBG Consolidated Plan 2021 2025 | The North Carolina Consolidated Plan 2021-2025 for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), which the state submits to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), serves two purposes: First, it is the planning document that guides the North Carolina Consolidated Plan Partners in addressing housing and community development needs across the state for the next five years, using the allocated funds received from the HUD. Secondly, this plan serves as a tool to inform a variety of stakeholders — including HUD, state and local officials, non-profit and advocacy organizations, and the residents of North Carolina — of the need for improving the living conditions for our state’s very low, low, and moderate income populations. | NC-ConPlan_2021-2025-Final-Approved-9.2021_asPublished.pdf | Consolidated Plan, Criteria or Guidelines, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG | |
Guidelines | North Carolina CDBG Analysis of Impediments (AI) 2021 2025 | This is the 2021-2025 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI) report, part of the 2021-2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Plan. | NC-AI_2021-2025-Final_04.29.21-asPublished-web.pdf | Analysis of Impediments (AI), CDBG, Criteria or Guidelines | |
Application | Motorsports Relief Fund | This document serves as the application form for local governments to request a grant from the North Carolina Motorsports Relief Fund. |
Motorsport-Relief-Fund-Application_asPublished.xlsx | Application, Miscellaneous, Disaster Recovery | |
Criteria | Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) | This document outlines the program criteria for North Carolina's Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG), a performance-based economic development incentive program. |
JDIG-Criteria-(Effective-1.26.22)_posted_061824.pdf | JDIG | |
Guidelines | North Carolina Consolidated Annual Action Plan (AAP) for CDBG | The 2020 Annual Action Plan is a document related to the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. This document serves as the annual application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding for the following housing-related projects from the following programs:
2020-NC-AAP_FINAL-HUD-Submission-6.30.2020.pdf | Annual Action Plan, CDBG Categories, Criteria or Guidelines, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG | |
NC Consolidated Plan Partners Citizen Participation Plan | The State of North Carolina encourages citizens to participate in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the Consolidated Plan for HUD Community Planning and Development programs. This plan describes how this participation will be encouraged. |
Citizen-Participation-Plan-NC-Amended-6_8_2020.pdf | Annual Action Plan, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), Consolidated Plan, Compliance, Program Performance, CDBG | |
Application | North Carolina Building Reuse and Economic Infrastructure Programs | Use this application document to apply for grant funding from the state's Rural Grants Program, for Building Reuse or Economic Infrastructure projects in rural areas of North Carolina. |
Rural-BR-and-Inf-App-V10_7.1.24.pdf | Application, State Funded (Rural Grants), Building Renovation (Reuse), Public Infrastructure |