The Lead Feed

The 2018-2028 long-term occupation projections dashboard is a powerful new tool to explore anticipated trends in occupational employment for North Carolina and its constituent regions. This blog provides a small set of tips for users that want to learn how to take advantage of the workbook but are unsure of how to start.

North Carolina's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from November’s revised rate of 3.9 percent.

The United States incarcerates a larger share of its population than any other nation on Earth, and recidivism is common: most individuals released from state prisons are re-arrested within two years. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that one of the surest antidotes to recidivism is a good job. In a recent study, we use data from the North Carolina Common Follow-up System to estimate the impact of post-release employment on recidivism. We show that individuals who find work after exiting prison return to prison at a significantly lower rate than their non-employed counterparts, with higher earnings leading to better recidivism outcomes.

In November, not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates decreased in 97 of North Carolina's 100 counties.

North Carolina's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from October’s revised rate of 4.1 percent.

In October, not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates decreased in 83 of North Carolina's 100 counties.

North Carolina's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from September’s revised rate of 4.3 percent.

In September, not seasonally adjusted unemployment rates decreased in all of North Carolina's 100 counties.

LMI Tuesdays is the best thing to happen to Tuesdays since the day the author of this entry was born!  This entry will explain what exactly an LMI Tuesday is, highlight what we’ve covered with LMI Tuesdays, and hint at what we’ll cover going forwards.

We recently published that there has been growth in both the Hispanic Population and Labor Force.  This article follows up with additional information to put this growth in context.

North Carolina's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate decreased from August’s revised rate of 4.3 percent.

The 2-digit NAICS Professional, Scientific and Technical Services industry sector saw a growth in employment of more than 200% between 1990 and 2020 in NC. This article reviews the data to understand where that growth occurred.

September 15 - October 15, 2021 has been declared Hispanic Heritage Month in North Carolina.  This entry shares some information on the latest population and labor force data.

Interconnected labor markets are clusters of counties that have a sufficient level of inter-county commuting. This post introduces this concept, how these markets were determined and what they look like, and the policy implications of these geographies.

North Carolina’s economy has grown in the past 30 years, but in what industries, and by how much?